Makrifatullah Islamic Summit of Islam QA


Aqidah Islam is Islam QA Rabbaniy (derived from God) that the net effect of the irregularities and human subyektifitas. Aqidah of Islam have the following characteristics:

1. Al Wudhuh of al Basathah (clear and light) there is no confusion in it, as happened in the concept of the Trinity, etc..
2. Along with the human character, will never contradict between aqidah salimah (straight) and human disposition. Word of God: "single bit of God who created man by disposition, there is no change in the character of God .." QS. 30:30
3. Aqidah principles of raw materials, and no additional changes from anyone. Word of God: "Do they have gods other than Allah, the mensyariatkan to their religion, which is not allowed to God?" QS. 42:21
4.Dibangun on the evidence and postulate, is not enough only with the doctrine and coercion as the existing concepts aqidah other. Aqidah always uphold Islam: "Demonstrate evidence kebenaranmu if you are correct" QS 2:111
5. Al Wasthiyyah (moderate) is not excessive in determining the nature and oneness of God, as happened in the thoughts of others that result penyerupaan God with His creatures. Aqidah of Islam reject blind fanaticism, as happened in jahiliyah slogan "We found our fathers following a religion, and indeed we are guided by their impressions" QS. 43:22

Ma'rifatullah (God knows) dzat not recognize God, because this could not be reached by the limited capacity of human beings. For how humans may be limited to recognize something that is not limited. Glass of milk a contrived one will never know whether people like that has made a glass of milk.

According to Ibn Al-Qayyim: Ma'rifatullah intended by ahlul ma'rifah (those who recognize God) is the science that makes someone do that to be an obligation for himself and pengenalannya consequences. "

Ma'rifatullah not dimaknai with the literal meaning only, but ma'riaftullah dimaknai with the introduction of the road close to squire man of God, introduce interference and obstacles in the way of Allah to build.

3. Characteristics IN MA'RIFATULLAH
A person is considered ma'rifatullah (God knows) if he has to recognize
1.asma '(name) God
2. the nature of God and
3. af'al (act of) God, which is seen in the creation and spread in the life of this nature.

Then, with the stock of knowledge, it indicates:
1. Attitude shidq (correct) in the learner-mu 'amalah (work) with God,
2. Ikhlas in the intention and purpose of life that is only because of God,
3. Cleaning away from morals, morals and despicable dirt-dirt, which makes life contrary to the will of Allah SWT
4. Patient / receive implementation of the law / rule of Allah on himself
5. Berda'wah / invite other people to follow religious truth
6. Da'wahnya clean it from the influence of compassion, logic and subyektifitas anyone. He only called the teachings of religion as never taught the dawn.

Figure ma'rifatullah in this example is the dawn. He is the person most in the major recognize a loss. Sayings of the Prophet: "It's most people who know God and the most afraid of Him." HR Al Bukahriy and Muslims. The Prophet say this as an answer from the statements of three people who want to build with the desire to God and their own wounded.

The next level, after the Prophet is a theologian amilun (theologian who practices in knowledge). Word of God: "Surely the fear of God among His slaves, but ulama" QS. 35:28

People who identify with the God who is capable of coloring itself with all forms of worship. We will mendapatinya as the diligent prayer, when we found it always on, recitation, lectures, mujahid, waitress community, philanthropist, etc.. No space and time to worship God, unless he was there. And there is no space and time restrictions except Allah, he menjauhinya.

There are some theologian who says: "Put your hand on the people who recognize the will of God invites us to six things and turn away from the six cases, namely: from doubt to be sure, seen from a ikhlash, from ghaflah (negligent) to remember, a world of love Hereafter, love, be proud of your (randah liver), liver from a bad advice "

a. Ma'rifatullah is the peak of awareness that will determine the next journey of human life. Because the goal ma'rifatullah will explain that human life. The absence ma'rifatullah make many people live without clear objectives, even a life as other living beings (animals). QS.47 12

b. Ma'rifatullah is the basic (foundation) travel ruhiyyah (spiritual) men overall. One who recognizes God will feel that the life of the field. He lives in the long rentangan between patient and grateful.
Sayings of the Prophet: Very surprising affairs of a believer, and there is not in anyone other than believers, if he touched a female patient, and if he was given the gift of gratitude "(HR.Muslim)

People recognize that God will always try and get to work Rida Allah, not to satisfy the desires and wishes syahwatnya.

c. Ma'rifatullah from this man pushed to recognize the prophets and messengers, to learn how best to build God. Because of the Prophet and His Messenger is the people who recognized and know very close to God.

d.Dari Ma'rifatullah will recognize this human life outside of natural materials, such as Angel, jinn and spirits.

e. From Ma'rifatullah know this is the way human life, and even the end of this life to the life Barzahiyyah (natural tomb) and akherat life.

Means that someone accompany the ma'rifatullah is:
a. Sense
Sense that contemplate the creation of God. Many verses of the Koran, which explains the influence of contemplation beings (creation) on the introduction of al Khaliq (creator) as the word of God: Say "See what is in the earth. It's not helpful sign of the power of God and the messengers who gave the warning Those who do not believe. QS 10:101, or QS 3: 190-191
Sayings of the Prophet: "That's about God's creation and not thinking about God, because you will not be able to" HR. Abu Nu'aim

b. The Messenger
The messenger who brought the Book, which contains the same explanation, he explained about ma'rifatullah and consequences-consequences. They recognized that this is as most people recognize God. God's Word:
"We sent Our messengers with clear proofs and real We have sent down with them the Scripture and the Balance (justice) so that people can implement justice .." QS. 57:25

c. Asthma and nature of God
Recognizing asthma (name) and accompanied by the nature of God and the meaning of contemplation for the life of this as a means to recognize God. This is the way that God has been using to introduce themselves to His creatures. With asthma and the nature of this open window for people to recognize God closer again. Asthma and the nature of God and will shake open the human heart to carefully gleam of God. God's Word:
"Say: Call upon Allah, or Call Ar Rahman. By any name that you call upon, he has asthma al 'al Keep (the names of the best) QS. 17:110
Asthma 'al Keep this is the God commanded us to use it in prayer. God's Word:
"Only God owned al Keep asthma, then But to him with his asthma al Keep it ..." QS. 7:180

This is the effective means of God to teach humanity to recognize Allah SWT (ma'rifatullah). Ma'rifatullah and this will not be realistic before someone is able to enforce the unity of god three levels, namely: unity of god rububiyyah, asthma unity of god and nature. Both unity of god is often called the unity of god al ma'rifah of al itsbat (identify and define) and the unity of god third uluhiyyah the unity of god is a unity of god thalab (command) that must be done.

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